Nutrition and Good Health Tips
What do we call an ideal nutrition?

Nutrition for an athlete

Breakfast for babies

Nutrition and growth

Nutrition: what
to eat at night?
What does nutrition refer to exactly?
Weight Loss Tips
Obese people can lose pounds by following a balanced diet and practicing physical activities like a daily walk or a bit of swimming. It is also important not to skip meals, to opt for a hearty breakfast and to avoid the snacking between meals as much as possible. In case of cravings, preferably drink a large glass of water, coffee or tea without sugar. At each meal, eat starchy foods that provide energy to the body and provide a sense of satiety.
- Avoiding sugary soft drinks
- Stop drinking alcohol and beer
- Eat lean meats, poultry, fish and crustaceans
- Eat lots of raw, cooked or soup vegetables
- For more information, visit objectif-minceur.fr et imedicale.fr.