Malnutrition is a general term for the medical condition in a person or animal caused by an unbalanced diet, either too little or too much food, or is missing one or more important nutrients.Most commonly, malnourished people or animals either do not have enough calories in their diet, or are eating a diet that lacks protein, vitamins, or trace minerals. Medical problems arising from malnutrition are commonly referred to as deficiency diseases. Scurvy is a well-known and now rare form of malnutrition, in which the victim lacks vitamin C.
Having a good diet is very important to stay fit and healthy. In the field of nutrition, excesses are as dangerous as deprivations and quantity must always be combined with quality.
The importance of good nutrition dates back to 400 years BC J. Hippocrates once said that « diet was our first medicine », and according to Chinese medicine of the millennium, food is also a cure!
In order to stay healthy, the body needs a certain proportion of macro-nutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins as well as micronutrients: vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, the current drifts due to our lifestyle lead to a certain imbalance and have disrupted our way of eating.
Avoir une bonne alimentation est très important pour rester en forme et en bonne santé. Dans le domaine de la nutrition, les excès sont aussi dangereux que les privations et la quantité doit toujours être combinée avec de la qualité.
Afin de rester en bonne santé, le corps a besoin d’une certaine proportion de macro-nutriments: glucides, graisses et protéines ainsi que de micronutriments: vitamines et minéraux. Malheureusement, les dérives actuelles de notre mode de vie entraînent un certain déséquilibre et perturbent notre façon de manger.
L’importance d’une bonne nutrition remonte à 400 ans avant J.-C. J. Hippocrate a déclaré une fois que «le régime alimentaire était notre premier médicament», et, selon la médecine chinoise millénaire, la nourriture est également un remède!